Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

Nasser Al Kahtany

Prince Sultan Military Medical City, Saudi Arabia

Title: A case Report: Bariatric surgery led to temporarily disable physician

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Oh Han Boon

National University Health System, Singapore

Title: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy as an effective method to achieve rapid weight loss to improve candidacy in a potential renal transplant donor with morbid obesity

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Michael Shapiro

University of Florida, USA

Title: Zonisamide for weight loss in obese adolescents

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Mohammed A. M. Marie

King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Title: Computational study on the interaction of flavonoids with fat mass and obesity associated protein

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Sajid Mahmood

University of Sheffield, UK

Title: Overweight and obesity among tomorrow’s health professionals: A ground reality from a developing country

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Su-Hyun Bae

Seoul National University Hospital, South Korea

Title: Use of food label in chronic disease patients in Korean adults

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Atir Khan

West Wales General Hospital, UK

Title: Evaluation of Carmarthenshire multi-disciplinary weight management clinic

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Ademola M. Amosu

University of Venda, South Africa

Title: The impact of maternal nutrition on birth weight of babies

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Khalid K Alharbi

King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Title: Codon 54 in the fatty acid–binding protein-2 (A54T) polymorphism studies in type 2 diabetes mellitus in Saudi population

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Carolina Nicoletti Ferreira

University of Sao Paulo

Title: UCP2 Ala55Val polymorphism is not associated with weight loss after three years of Roux-en y gastric bypass

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Daniel T. Goon

University of Venda
South Africa

Title: Body mass index and elevated blood pressure among rural South African children in Thohoyandou, South Africa

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Daniel Ter Goon

University of Venda
South Africa

Title: Body fat percentage of urban South African children: Implications for health and fitness

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Mohammed Saanid Adamu

University of Cape Coast

Title: Metabolic Syndrome in relation to Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR); a study in Kumasi - Ghana

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Natalia B Goncalves

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Title: Metabolic effects of flaxseed oil supplementation (ω3/ALA) in mice

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

S. Shajith Anoop

Bharathiar University

Title: Determinants of obesity and overweight in urban school children of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, South India � A pilot study

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Shimeng Xu

Institute of Biophysics, China

Title: DGAT1 reduces palmitic acid-induced insulin resistance without rescuing ER stress in C2C12 Cells

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Carla Barbosa Nonino

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Title: Pro12Ala polymorphism and its relation to body composition 12 months after Roux en Y gastric bypass

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Shajith Anoop

Bharathiar University, India

Title: Determinants of atherogenic index and gingival index in type two diabetic subjects of Tamilnadu, India

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Michaela Duskova

Institute of Endocrinology, Czech Republic

Title: The influence of obesity on androgens and their precursors

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Soon-Kyu Lee

Food Nutrition and Dietary Safety Bureau, South Korea

Title: A study on dietary habits, body satisfaction and nutritional knowledge by body image of middle school girl students in Chungbuk area

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Perez Contreras Irma

Autonomous University of Puebla

Title: Self-perception of body image and its relationship with body mass index (BMI) higher education students in the area of health in Puebla, Mexico

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Abdelaziz Ali Sherif

Cairo University

Title: Effect of aerobic exercise with diet control on obesity in Children

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Shajarian M

Islamic Azad University, Iran

Title: Association of RBP4 genetic polymorphism and obesity in the Iranian population

Biography Abstract