Track 1:Molecular virology and immunology Track 2:Virus host interaction/pathogenesis/transmission Track 3:Antiviral drug development and treatment strategies, including vaccination Track 4:Evolution and Epidemiological aspects of Influenza Track 5:National and international surveillance and contingency strategies Track 6:Virus as Vectors for human gene therapy Track 7: Reassortment and Reverse Genetics Track 8:Implications and Ethical preparedness for pandemic influenza Track 9:Strategies for Developing New Antiviral Flu Drugs Track 10:New Avenues for Influenza Control Track 11:Advances in viral detection and identification technologies Track 12:Vaccines: current and novel approaches Track 13:Clinical impact & diagnostics approaches Track 14:Animal flu-ecology Track 15:Ebola versus Influenza Track 16:Influenza Lung Immunology: Major diseases Track 17:Influenza Vaccines: Manufacturers and Market Track 18:Haemophilus influenzae and pneumoniae